"Oshi Tsutomu" is a study timer app that allows you to feel like you are being supported by your pusher.Set a photo or message of your favorite and enjoy the feeling of studying with your favorite!Features of Oshiben 1: “You can register a lot of Oshis”You can register as many favorites as you like without any restrictions. Decide which one to study according to your mood.Features of Oshiben 2 “Study timer”You can set the timer to any time you like. When you start the timer, the countdown for the set time will begin. During the countdown, a photo of your favorite and a message of support from your favorite will be displayed on the screen. If you feel like youre losing motivation, look at the photos and messages to boost your motivation. When the countdown ends, a sound will notify you of the end. This sound can be your favorite voice or your favorite music.Oishi Tsutomu Feature 3 “Stamp”You can only get one favorite stamp per day. You can also fill your calendar with favorite stamps every day. Please take advantage of the stamp feature to continue your studies.